Ultra low temperature refrigerator system using Helium mixtures (헬륨 혼합가스 극저온 냉동장치)
- Manufacturer Leiden Cryogenics
- Manufacture date 2015
- Model CF-81-700 Maglev
- Location One refrigerator is installed at YangYang underground laboratory and the other is operated at IBS head quarter (Low background high resolution lab)
- Manager None
In order to select a proper detector module for AMoRE experiment, it need to have R&D process to test the detector performance, like energy calibration and signal response, etc, at the mK temperature. CUP utilized the dilution refrigerator for cooling-down the R&D setup to mK temperature.
- 1’st stage Cryogen free cooler
- Pulse tube refrigerator (Cryomech PT415 with remote motor)
- 45 W @ 40 K, 1.5 W @ 4.2 K
- Gas Handling system
- Levitation type turbo pump, root pump,
- Auto condensing/recovery system (include emergency recovery)
- Dilution unit
- minimum temperature : less than 10 mK
- Cooling power : 0.7 mW @ 120 mK
- Experimental area : 408 (diameter) × 540 (height)
- 36 hours cool-down time with nitrogen precooling (no extra load)